Cracked Open | Tanja Hirsch
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april 29-30th

a 2 day portal to crack open the armor around your  heart and yoni 

known from

Your yoni is a living temple to connect with your divine feminine power.

We hold so much in our Yonis (vagina) that is blocking our radiance, aliveness and pleasure.

Your deepest power and divinity lies between your legs and it´s time to remember the sacredness or your sexuality.

Blockages like shame, tension, numbness, pain or stuck emotions can block the free flow of your life force energy without you even realizing it. 

Your body is such a miracle and masterpiece, it not only remembers every single memory, it also knows exactly how to release them if you create safety and space for it.


We all carry memories and suppressed emotions in our yonis and bodies from past emotional pain, shame and experiences, especially when it comes to our sacred sexuality. 

How many times have you been entered by a man, a tampon or a doctor without your full consent and your body and yoni fully receptive, wet and open?

Every time you allow to be entered because you think you should, you have to, because of unhealthy boundaries and patterns, your yoni creates tension that can lead to a lack of aliveness, pleasures, creativity, numbness, pain and disconnection from the most powerful portal of life. 

Bring your own loving presence to your yoni and welcome more sensation and pleasure into your life and bedroom. 

Cracked open is a powerful 2 day portal to release the armor around your heart & yoni, to get penetrated by life & love 

A deep dive into your body to feel safe to trust, surrender & open to aliveness & pleasure. 


the more armour your yoni & heart releases, the more open, sexy, beautiful and radiant you'll look and feel - opening up your orgasmic potential.

... know there’s much more to your pleasure, but you don’t really know how to start to un/discover this…

...want to blow your own mind of how much pleasure is actually possible for you

....desire to feel more alive, radiant and magnetic

...are longing for more sensitivity and freedom in your body to do and express what you want and need in life.

...are ready to move gently through blocks so you can experience the power and magic of your sexual energy throughout your entire life.

...want to connect to your inner strength and feminine power to crack open your heart and yoni to life and love

... desire to release stuck memories and stuck emotions from your body, so your aliveness and pleasure can flow freely again. 

...want to be truly embodied and present rather than being in your head in the bedroom(with a partner or yourself) 

..desire to feel more free, expressed and in your feminine energy in your every day life and bedroom

 ...want to to live and shine your authentic self, radiating from the inside out with your free flowing sexual energy. 

Cracked open is for you if you...


Are you ready to meet your heart and yoni with full presence & lovingly release what she’s been carrying?

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feeling safe is key to heal the flow of your sexual energy. 


This experience in sisterhood is a sacred and safe space for you to heal, to release, to connect and to remember. we will meet via zoom and you will have your camera switched off to immerse in the safety of your own cozy bedroom.

You will be lovingly and slowly guided through this dearmoring practice alongside other powerful feminine embodiment practices. 

you are invited to deeply listen to your body and trust the wisdom that it holds, which also means to honor your sacred no. you decide how deep you want to go and you always have the possibility to pause.

your body only shows you what you're ready to face and whatever comes up to the surface will lovingly be hold space for your bodys healing.  

we will work with sound, breath, movement, massage techniques. My voice will guide you into a deep surrendered space while you connect back with your divinity. 

This weekend will be dedicated to release the barriers in your body that keep you from receiving life and love fully.

You can choose to do this entire ritual with just your fingers, but you may want to consider having a glass or crystal wand (obsidian is my recommendation),

I recommend this brand below, as they have the most high quality crystals:

click here use code tanja to receive 11% off.

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 it's time to come back home to your natural state of being, your aliveness, power and pleasure. Reclaim your yoni as a sacred portal to your divinity and deep feminine wisdom and power.

what to expect
(all in German time cet)...

april 29-30th


Opening ceremony & healing journey

This will be a very intimate live Session where I will guide you through a deep Healing Journey into your subconsciousnessIt's a safe space for you to meet your inner world to realign.


Saturday, 5 pm

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yoni dearmoring

I will guide you through a safe practice with breath, pressure and sound to release any tension, memories and blockages in your yoni. This can unlock infinite amount of aliveness and pleasure.


Saturday 8 pm


guided me time

Each day you have me time with journaling questions to integrate and deepen your experience.


breast massage

Your breasts are the extension of your heart and this ancient practice helps you to open your heart to receive love, pleasure and aliveness. 


sunday 5 pm


feminine embodiment

We will close this Retreat with a Feminine Embodiment practice and a Closing Sharing Circle. 


sunday, 8pm



On top you will receive two workbooks for Yoni Steaming and Yoni Eggs to deepen your practice


what my soul clients say about this experience...

Beige Cremefarben Neutral Elegant Schlicht Testimonial Kundenbewertung Instagram Story (10


april 29-30th

ready to be cracked open to life & love?

333 €



you receive access to all recordings for 3 months

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