Dripping in Self love | Tanja Hirsch
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a 3 day home retreat to fall in love with                  of you.


dripping in self love, radiating from within

being deeply connected to your body, your truth, intuition and sensuality.  

stepping into your most empowered, liberated and fully expressed self that knows exactly what she desires and deserves. 

feeling save to show all parts of you, especially the ones that feel icky, unlovable and shameful. (the parts you've been hiding your whole life)




who is this retreat for?

dripping in self love is for the empowered woman who’s done wearing masks, hiding her darkness & pretending everything’s fine.


You want nothing more but to love yourself deeply, and you know that doesn´t only implement your sunshine side. 

You're done judging yourself for not feeling high vibe 24/7.

You know that in order to actually get what you want and to be your most liberated self, you need to meet yourself deeper.


And you´re not afraid of that any longer. 


This experience in sisterhood is a sacred and safe space for you to show all of you, to meet yourself deeper and to come back into wholeness. 


You will learn to love yourself more deeply and to connect to your body in a much more loving way. 

This weekend will be dedicated to meet yourself deeper than you’ve ever had before - because this is the key to your liberation and power in this lifetime. 

It's time to release any guilt and shame around feeling good in who you truly are.


Breathwork & healing journey

This will be a very intimate live Session where I will guide you through a deep Journey into your subconsciousnessIt's a safe space for you to open up and meet the parts of you that you've been running away from.


friday, 8pm

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feminine embodiment

We start this day with a Feminine Embodiment Practice & Selflove Ritual. This Practice helps you to feel your worth and love from within. You will open your body, mind, heart & soul for your deepest desires.


Saturday 7 am


temple night

Saturday evening I will guide you through a magical Tantric Pleasure Practice to open your heart fully through your body and senses. This journey invites you to reconnect to your love from within and to release armors and blockages around your heart.


Saturday, 8 pm


surprise session

This will be kept a secret until the opening Ceremony. But I can tell you it will be juicy and you will fall in love with yourself even deeper.


sunday 7 am

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closing ceremony

We will close this Retreat with a deep Meditation, Journaling Session and Sharing Circle. 


sunday, 8pm



On top you will receive tools that you can use to connect even deeper with your feminine power and magic.



ready to be dripping in self love?

you receive 5 recorded live sessions for 3 months

333 €



I´m tanja

I´m a free spirited soul living in Mo´orea in French Polynesia. I´m a passionate Mindfulnessteacher, Author &  Coach and I help women to connect back to their true essence, to create a free, authentic and fulfilling life beyond their wildest dreams. 


I´ve been on my own healing journey for over 13 years and after practicing and studying many different healing arts like tantra, shamanism, Yoga, mediation, Personal Development and Psychology, I've developed my very own coaching tools that are individualized on every single soul with its unique story. 

I love to dive deep and hold space for healing and transformation. 

I am here to expand your mind, heart, body & soul by feeling your unique energy and guiding you through my insights and intuition. 

I help you to break down conditionings, patterns and limiting believes that keep you small and hold you back from living your truest potential.

I know how it feels to feel stuck in literally any part of life.

I´ve stayed in a toxic narcissistic relationship longer than I should have. I swollowed down my truth to avoid conflict. all of that that led me to my deep journey of self love. 

I felt stuck in my job as a teacher that was supposed to make me feel safe but actually made me feel caged. I felt stuck in a life that I created myself, but with the right mentors by my side I was able to break free of this cage and finally spread my wings and fly. 

I followed my soul calling and It would be an honor for me to share my tools with you and guide you through this transformational journey.

my biggest vision is an earth full of truly expressed, authentic and free souls sharing their gifts with the world. because you came here for a reason and youre not meant to feel numb, stuck and bored.

you came here with a purpose and the world is waiting for you to wake up and share your gifts.

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